


National Industry Canada Pilot Initiative

What is Web-4-All?

Please note that the Pilot Initiative is now completed and that the following is provided as reference/background information only.

Web-4-All is an innovative technology that enables people with disabilities and low literacy levels, as well as seniors and people unfamiliar with computers, to use the Internet on public access computers. With Web-4-All hardware and software:

How does it work?

Web-4-All Smart CardAll Web-4-All users are given a “smart card” similar in size to a debit or credit card, which contains their individual preferences, such as having text read aloud or type faces magnified. Every time they log onto a public access computer, the users simply insert their card into a reader and the computer adjusts to their preferences. Web-4-All is the first technology of its kind capable of automatically loading individual user preferences.

Where can people use Web-4-All?

Currently, Web-4-All is being pilot tested at public Internet access sites in selected communities across Canada. These sites provide people with affordable access to the Internet in places such as community centres, schools, disability and literacy resource centres, drop-in centres and seniors' facilities.

How was Web-4-All developed?

Industry Canada supported the University of Toronto's Assistive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC) to develop the technology. Bell Canada, Hitachi Canada and the Royal Bank of Canada donated “smart card” technology used in the pilot projects across Canada.

Archived Press Releases

  1. Web-4-All Technology Helps Winnipeg Area Residents with Special Needs Get On-line:
  2. Web-4-All Technology Helping South Shore Residents with Special Needs Get On-line:
  3. Web-4-All Technology Helping St. John's Area Residents with Special Needs Get Online:

Community Engagement Guidelines Used for the Pilot Phase

To view the Web-4-All Community Engagement Guidelines please click on the following link:

Community Engagement Guidelines Used for the Pilot Phase

PowerPoint Presentation

Click the following link to play or download a presentation about Web-4-All:


(Note: If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can install the PowerPoint viewer with the following link: PPViewer.exe)

Technical Loans Agreement

To view the Web-4-All Technical Loans Agreement please click on the following link:

Technical Loans Agreement

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