

KeyboardSetup — configure Windows keyboard accessibility features


KeyboardSetup stickyKeys repeatKeys delay rate slowKeyWait debounce


This utility can be used to configure the Windows keyboard accessibility parameters. 

Invoked with no arguments, all settings are set to the system default. If any arguments are provided, all arguments must be provided. To maintain the system default, use the relevant default value (described below).


A flag to indicate whether or not to enable Sticky Keys. Use 1 to enable, 0 otherwise.
Default: 0
A flag to indicate whether or not to enable Repeat Keys. Use 1 to enable, 0 otherwise.
Default: 0
The length of the delay to wait before a key being held down is repeated (in milliseconds).
Default: 250
The rate of repeat for a key being held down (in milliseconds).
Default: 300
The length of time a key stroke must be held down before it is registered (in milliseconds).
Default: 500
The length of time that must elapse after a key is released before a subsequent key press is accepted (in milliseconds).
Default: 0

Return Value

The utility prints progress information and any error messages to the console output.

Upon successful completion, the program exits with an exit status of 0.

Any error condition will result in an exit status of -1.

Copyright © 2003 Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto. All rights reserved.
Last modified: July 28, 2003. Anastasia Cheetham.